mcdonalds nutrition - TAKE A WALK

mcdonalds nutrition  - TAKE A WALK
It is a beautiful day outside. You plan to go to the gym, the nearby store or a park. Abandon the car and walk. Walking is a terrific way to lose and maintain your weight. We are not talking about dawdling along. For walking to be truly effective, you need to proceed at a brisk walk. It must increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping.

Walking is an inexpensive and enjoyable way to lose weight. You can choose different places to walk through. In summer, there are parks, shady streets and beaches; in winter, there are malls. You can vary the scenery to suit your mood as well as the weather.
Walking is an exercise you can share with a friend and the entire family. It allows you to spend time together with them. Young children can ride their bikes while you keep up the pace.
Set goals, distances and times. If you feel up to it, enter local walkathons and even marathons.